We often have patients ask us if they are going to need their wisdom teeth extracted. At Park City Dentistry, we don't just extract all wisdom teeth. We are selective about when they should come out. Not everybody needs to have their wisdom teeth out.
Let's start off by explaining what wisdom teeth are. Wisdom teeth are the 3rd molars, or back molars. They are typically the last teeth in the mouth to erupt. If/when they do erupt, they usually don't have enough space to erupt normally. They can either be impacted (still in the bone) or partially erupted with the gums covering much of the tooth.
As I mentioned, not all wisdom teeth need to be extracted. Some people have their wisdom teeth erupt and are perfectly fine. They can go their whole life without any problems from their wisdom teeth. There are only 3 scenarios where we recommend extracting wisdom teeth. These are:
-When wisdom teeth partially emerge through the gums. This increases the chance of a bacterial infection called pericoronitis that can be very painful and sometimes dangerous.
-When unerupted wisdom teeth are expected to grow crooked and damage other teeth.
-When a fluid-filled sac (cyst) develops around an unerupted wisdom tooth, which can damage surround tissue or bone.
The decision to remove wisdom teeth isn't always clear. If you have any questions about your wisdom teeth, call us for an evaluation and we can tell you what your options are.